As planned on Sunday 27th April, a long run was the order of the day, I'd not done a massive amount of running recently but had built a good base from winter training & my 50 day run streak earlier in the year.
I was supporting some people I'd become quite close to, they had planned a 10 mile walk in memory of their son, Christian, I promised I'd be there & do my bit.
The plan was to run two laps of the route whilst the walkers did one lap, it became a little bit of fun in the run up to the day, with Christian's mum determined that we wouldn't lap them, it brought a bit if fun and plenty of smiles to an emotional day for the family.
With just over a month to go to the triple, I knew I needed to do more than 20 miles, so I ran the 3 miles to the start, knowing that with a run home that would make 26 miles, with a extra few miles, 30 miles became the target, nearly double my longest run year to date. So with drinks and a change of clothing in a rucksack I set off, the rucksack swung annoyingly from side to side as I ran, but it made sure I started at a sensible 8:45 minute mile pace.
Three others from the club fancied the run as well, so I met them at the start in the next village, really pleased to be able to dump the rucksack in a friends car.
We walked the first 50 metres with the walkers then set off, a quick nod to the Christian's parents, who jokingly reminded us not to lap them and we were off.
Some good banter and fairly consistent mile pacing between 8:28 and 8:56 minute miles, we were soon back at the start, somewhat disappointed that the laps were only 8 miles. This was going to be tough to catch the walkers now it was a 16 mile run rather than 20 miles.
So a quick water stop and off for the second lap, the pace and banter remained fairly consistent, it was certainly a big advantage having company on a long session, the majority of my training this year has been solo for one reason and another, so it was a pleasant change to be able to chat and let time just slip by.
The paced slowed a little on the long drag section through the woods, but picked up again with a few miles to go.
In the distance we could see hi-viz, one & half miles to go, we'd caught the back of the walkers, as we passed Christian's Dad he gave us a huge smile and high five which was great to see.
The pace quickened again with a mile to go up the hill, at the top we could see the front of the walkers and Christian's mum, so we started the final mile, which was mile 19 for me, we were now running 7:44 minute miles, I felt really REALLY strong.
As we caught up with Christian's mum, who was zig zagging from side to side with arms spread out so I couldn't pass, a huge smile on her face, I stopped and walked with her a short while, a quick chat and I sprinted off to catch the guys up for the rest of the last mile.
19 miles run and feeling awesome, I quickly changed into dry clothing and clapped the walkers home.
A drink (non alcoholic of course), a bite to eat and good conversation in the pub, I soon realised that I'd stopped longer than planned, so I made my apologies and said my goodbyes, put the annoying rucksack on my back and tried to force some life back into the legs.
Really struggled to get any pace back, I put it down to the rucksack and the growing need for a toilet stop! Only 3 miles to home, I can dump the rucksack, sort myself out & plan the next few miles, as I ran to the front door, I looked at my garmin, exactly 22 miles.
Feeling better and loosing some weight (not just from leaving the rucksack) I set off, the plan was simple, 4 miles out, turn & return.
I tried hard to get some consistency back into my pace, it actually took quite some effort, but I was unable to maintain it and the pace slowed, so I had to pick it up time and time again. I was really regretting stopping so long, it was the right thing to do but I was now paying for it, legs were aching, feet were aching, I'd felt so good at 19 miles but this was proving quite a mental challenge, there was no real need for me to get to the 30 mile mark, I'd got a long run in the bag and had been feeling strong, but I knew the upcoming race was as much about being strong in mind as being strong in body, so I refused to take the easy option and battled on.
Once I got to the 26 mile mark it became much easier, just a short 4 mile run home, pace was still up and down but the job was done, 30 miler sorted, that was the goal, I wouldn't need to run this far again till race day, albeit that would be a 79 mile run, but I knew I didn't need to do any more, when I did the Double Iron two years ago, my longest run was only 17 miles!
So distance wise I was happy with two disciplines now, 5 mile swim in the bag and I felt strong, could easily have carried on. Now I'd got a decent long run in, I wouldn't say I finished strong on pace but certainly did finish strong in mind, just as, if not more important.
I'd got quite a few century rides in, the longest being 130 miles, again finishing all of them feeling strong and comfortable, but I know I need to get more distance in, a big ride with a long time in the saddle, so guess what's planned for next weekend!
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