Training has been going great to be fair, probably why I haven't written much on the blog recently!
I've been putting in 20 -25 hour training weeks since the beginning of May, with a 30 hour week for the last week of May which included 3 swim sessions (open water & pool) one of which was a 4k swim in 67 minutes, which gave me loads of confidence.
I've only done an 8 mile & 15 mile run this week, which I feel bad about, as I was just starting to get back into it following my 5 x 6 mile runs (30 miles) earlier on in the month. Still not happy with what pace I'm going to run the double at, really need to sort this, but a 52 mile run is going to hurt anyway, never mind after a 5 mile swim & 232 mile bike!! I've always said IM runs are all in the mind, let's hope so, the gorilla can get me through that !
Cycling, well that's awesome, loving clocking the centuary rides up, I'm now into double figures for the year, and averaging nearly 400 miles per week over the last 4 weeks.
And I've managed to sneak 3 kayak sessions in in the new toy, never paddled anything as fast or as unstable, so still getting my confidence with it, I haven't been for a swim yet in it, so that's good, been thinking that I will enter the British Quadrathlon Championships this year after all, a 3rd & 6th in the last two years, not sure what I can do this year but I love the race.
Back to training, I clocked up my biggest ride ever on 28th May, 150 solo miles averaging 18.2 mph, felt really good at the end, it would be fair to say I was buzzing and felt like I could have carried on but had to be somewhere ...... I'll save the 200 miler for the double, laughing.
So in 6 days I take on Double Enduroman, a 4.8 mile swim, 232 mile bike, 52 mile run, to be honest I'm feeling good about it, it helps not thinking about the distances too much, after all its only a swim, bike, run.
It also helps being multi laps & seeing my support crew, many, mnay times (lol), I've done a few training sessions that are multi lap to get me used to it, 25 laps around Messingham playing field starting at 4:45am on Friday helped me finally sort my pacing issues out, the plan is coming together nicely.
A meal & chat with my support crew tonight, who will keep me motivated & fed during the race, so that I can share my race plan, there is simply no way I could do this without them, I am a very lucky boy, once this is over I'm going to treat them to one hell of a night out !
So I've had a couple of days off training now and back on it today but slow, steady & short(ish) however I do want to get a couple of long steady pool swim sessions in this week. Might even have a paddle in the kayak just to be different.
Been folloing the Deca Enduroman guys at Avon Tyrell this week, day 4 today, those guys are going through some pain, massively inspirational, can't wait to get down there on Thursday and watch them for a couple of days before I start on Saturday.