Sunday, 1 December 2013
That's more like it !
November training has certainly stepped up a gear, over 27 hours in total, close to 7 hours a week training, which is close to where I wanted to be for the month.
4 bike rides totalling 200 miles, although winter is well on its way, the roads on a Sunday haven't been to bad, it's just meant going out that little bit later in the morning than normal, when I can be more sure any ice or frost has gone.
Really enjoyed my running this month, totalled 118 miles, so 30 miles (ish) a week, mostly steady pace (8:30 minute miles), but I did put some speed work in just to break it up a little.
I got in the habit this month of a long Saturday run into town to the local 5k Park Run and I either paced my daughter or friends round, 3 pacing sessions, 3 PB's, got a real buzz from helping others to a PB, really enjoyed it. Then I'd take a steady run back home for breakfast with a 2 hour run in the bag.
So let's see if we can maintain & even build hours a little in December, I've got a friend taking on "Run the Date", which I did last October (see blog post), he's very focused on it and I will certainly join him for a few of the later, longer runs when he needs company.
Also decided that I need to get in the pool, although I'm a fairly respectable swimmer, the quick dip I had this month while we were doing video analysis for club members, showed me that I shouldn't wait until January as planned!, I couldn't believe how quickly I was so short of breath and must admit technique wasn't great. So Sunday club swims & Wednesday morning swims (when I work closer to home) are in December's plan!
Friday, 1 November 2013
The Park Run, NYC
Struggled a bit to get back on it after a month off to be honest.
October started out with good intentions, I was staying away with work for the first couple of days, got a decent run in Monday 30th September, Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd October, 15 miles in 3 runs, good start, quite happy with that.
But then I didn't get out again until Sunday, chucked a cracking 70 mile bike ride in though, so all in all shouldn't be to displeased, first week back.
Sadly it went down hill after that only managed a 6 mile run & 50 mile ride, as well as a 30 minute twitchy session on the new rollers, which incidentally, now I've ridden them a few times, I much prefer them to spinning bikes or turbo's, it's taken 4 or 5 goes to get confident with them and I certainly wouldn't recommend being clipped in for the first few goes, but they certainly keep you on your guard !
So halfway through October and not exactly where I want to be hours per week, we were now off for a 5 day break in New York, so maybe I could find my running mojo in Central Park, NYC.
I ran every morning, absolutely loved running around THE PARK with all the other runners & cyclists (really wish I had a bike here to!).
First run was a quick 4 miler around the southern end of Central Park, felt great, decent 6:57 mile pace, then did the hole 10k+ main loop the next day 6.7 mile @ 7:19 pace, this run felt awesome, there were that many runners out this morning it felt like a race, pushed it up the hills and kept a good stride on the flat & downhill, had a few runners stay alongside me at times and chatted about running & triathlon.
Planned a big run the next day & needed to slow the pace down, I was getting carried away with the crowds, 11 miler this time at just over 8 minute miles, started to feel a bit tired now though, found a sneaky strava segment "The Great Lawn" a 0.5 mile oval path, sneaked a 5th on the segment but only because it wasn't a busy segment, this one only had 70 runners on it, some of the segments on the main loop had over 4,000 and I could only manage a top 30.
The next day, Thursday would be my last chance to run in the Park, and to be honest I'd done too much and was feeling jaded and sore. Still I thought last chance get a short run in and go for podium on the great lawn segment. 4 miler and I did manage a 3rd on the segment, dodging the dog walkers.
As after every run, back to the hotel to shower and meet the family for breakfast, then onto the day's activities. Had a really good time in NY & certainly enjoyed the running.
Between then and the end of the month just a solitary bike ride of 55 miles and the month was over.
I had only managed 17 hours of training all month, but something to build on, certainly must get to 7 or 8 hour training weeks in November, nice steady pace, just need to get the habit's back
October started out with good intentions, I was staying away with work for the first couple of days, got a decent run in Monday 30th September, Tuesday 1st & Wednesday 2nd October, 15 miles in 3 runs, good start, quite happy with that.
But then I didn't get out again until Sunday, chucked a cracking 70 mile bike ride in though, so all in all shouldn't be to displeased, first week back.
Sadly it went down hill after that only managed a 6 mile run & 50 mile ride, as well as a 30 minute twitchy session on the new rollers, which incidentally, now I've ridden them a few times, I much prefer them to spinning bikes or turbo's, it's taken 4 or 5 goes to get confident with them and I certainly wouldn't recommend being clipped in for the first few goes, but they certainly keep you on your guard !
So halfway through October and not exactly where I want to be hours per week, we were now off for a 5 day break in New York, so maybe I could find my running mojo in Central Park, NYC.
I ran every morning, absolutely loved running around THE PARK with all the other runners & cyclists (really wish I had a bike here to!).
First run was a quick 4 miler around the southern end of Central Park, felt great, decent 6:57 mile pace, then did the hole 10k+ main loop the next day 6.7 mile @ 7:19 pace, this run felt awesome, there were that many runners out this morning it felt like a race, pushed it up the hills and kept a good stride on the flat & downhill, had a few runners stay alongside me at times and chatted about running & triathlon.
Planned a big run the next day & needed to slow the pace down, I was getting carried away with the crowds, 11 miler this time at just over 8 minute miles, started to feel a bit tired now though, found a sneaky strava segment "The Great Lawn" a 0.5 mile oval path, sneaked a 5th on the segment but only because it wasn't a busy segment, this one only had 70 runners on it, some of the segments on the main loop had over 4,000 and I could only manage a top 30.
The next day, Thursday would be my last chance to run in the Park, and to be honest I'd done too much and was feeling jaded and sore. Still I thought last chance get a short run in and go for podium on the great lawn segment. 4 miler and I did manage a 3rd on the segment, dodging the dog walkers.
As after every run, back to the hotel to shower and meet the family for breakfast, then onto the day's activities. Had a really good time in NY & certainly enjoyed the running.
Between then and the end of the month just a solitary bike ride of 55 miles and the month was over.
I had only managed 17 hours of training all month, but something to build on, certainly must get to 7 or 8 hour training weeks in November, nice steady pace, just need to get the habit's back
Wednesday, 9 October 2013
Where did I leave that Gorilla ?
Well after having September off, it's time to get back on it, and find that Gorilla inside !
It was great to eat what I wanted and not think about training, although I did sneak a 125 mile charity bike ride in for a laugh ........... 115 miles of which I was soaking wet, but hey it's for charity !!
I have put on a few pounds in weight, well 8lbs actually, but soon get that shifted, I guess.
First week back training last week with 3 runs totalling 16 miles and a 70 mile bike ride, it was a decent start, I'm just going to slowly build the hours up this month to 8-10 hours a week and hold it there for while, just concentrating on steady pace at the minute, although I couldn't resist the urge of a few strava segments while I was out.
Race plan is pretty sorted for next year, a 24 hour run in March , Triple (Iron) Enduroman at the end of May and a Deca Iron attempt in August !!!
I had entered IM Copenhagen at the end of August but a few weeks later, I was invited to join a group of 13 ultra triathletes planning a DIY Deca Iron, the lure was just to much and so I'm going to withdraw from Copenhagen
.........a Deca Iron, at a fraction of the cost, on my doorstep, it's too good an opportunity to miss.
So only 3 events in 2014 but 100 plus miles running & a total of 13 IM, should be interesting !!
Back to October, it's steady back on it, to get back in the swing and then review weekly training hours at the end of the month, build from there, easy.
Friday, 30 August 2013
Club Relays
What a weekend of racing that was !
If you've never seen or competed in the Club Relays at Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham then you don't know what your missing.
The organisers One Step Beyond Promotions tag the weekend as "Organised Chaos" which describes the whole weekend of racing to a tee !
I have raced in the Club Relays for the last 4 or 5 years but it's only in the last 2 years that our club has really taken this weekend to heart, last year we took an incredible 10 teams, this year we took 13 teams to race over the 2 days with over 500 other teams. The beauty of this event is that it welcomes all abilities, from top class triathletes, to age groupers, to club triathletes to newbies, everyone races together and gives it their all, fantastic.
Each team consists of 4 triathletes who take it in turn to complete a 500m lake swim (x4) then onto a 15km (x4) closed loop bike circuit then finally a 5km (x4) run, the baton hand overs are just a crazy mass of triathletes trying to find their tag, great fun.
Some friendly club rivalry between teams as always but the team I captained had another goal, all of us over 40, so a podium position in the over 40 Championship was our goal.
In the past we have finished around 35th overall but 5th place & 7th place in the Over 40 Championship, this was the fastest Over 40 team we had ever entered so surely this year was our year.
On the Saturday the open category, mixed & ladies teams raced around the rowing lake at Holme Pierrepont, it was great to cheer club mates on during the day, knowing that tomorrow we would be competing ourselves.
As I'd mentioned in my last post, I've tried to think less about technique during the swim and just go for it, was happy with my time for 500m at 7:30 especially as I put myself first in the relay legs so had some fun in the "washing machine" start, it was a pretty frantic battle to the first and even 2nd turn buoy, elbows and hands flying every where, gave as good as I got, I loved it although I can understand why many avoid it.
Anyway the swim tags continued & I eagerly awaited our 4th swimmer to return and tag for me to go out on the bike, The fastest teams were already out on the 1st lap of the bike (3 laps) and two of our other younger teams (with some very talented swimmers) already had a 5 minute lead as I ran out of transition with my bike,
The bike exit was narrow and with two triathletes mounting there bike in front of me on the mount line I made the decision to run through them and past the mount line before jumping on to the bike at speed, it worked perfectly, and I sped away, I think it was a good half mile before I even started fastening my shoes (I always have my bike shoes clipped in on a triathlon, and ride a little way with feet on top of shoes to get up to speed before fastening them).
3 lung bursting laps later and into a flying bike dismount., speeding in balancing on one pedal, just as I was about to jump off & run, the triathletes in front of me dismounting just stopped, the only thing I could do was serve right as I dismounted, unfortunately my bike flicked up and ended up flying like a kite behind me as I ran to the racking, tagged my team mate and was then approached by the Race Referee "for a chat" as my bike had hit the dismount marshall .... whoops! No harm done though, all my fault, I should have anticipated more, apologised to the referee and all was well. (I did go and find the marshall later and apologise also, he was fine, I knew him and had been marshalling with him the day before so all was good.)
All our time had had a good bike leg, my time was a little slower than I would have liked but I certainly made up for it on the run, felt good all the way, and finished with a 18:22 (although the 1st leg run is just a fraction short of 5k) still very happy with that.
We had no idea where we were overall or in the Over 40 Championships but we had gained time on one of our club teams that beat us out of the water and we were now only 2 minutes behind (we had also heard that they had received a 2 minute penalty for not racking a bike correctly) so it was all to play for, with the 2 fastest runners going head to head, albeit 2 minutes apart. It was quite exciting.
Our runner gave it everything and smashed the run but their runner was just on another level and had a great run, we finished just 1:15 behind our younger rivals, to bring the battle over the last 2 years to a draw (we finished just 13 seconds ahead last year).
A quick visit to timing showed that we had finished 37th overall and 6th in the Over 40 Champs, maybe next year!
Well maybe not for me, I'm hanging up my Club Relay Captain armband for now and as I mentioned in the last post, I'm going to concentrate this tired old body on just endurance racing next year, so its unlikely I will be racing at the relays, but I will certainly be back one day.
A great weekend of racing with friends, great camping and & great company.
So I'm going to chill for a few weeks now, still going to get some biking & running in to keep ticking over, I've got my eyes on a 6 hour run race over the Humber Bridge called "Hell on the Humber - reloaded" might have a go at that, then its into winter training, need a very good base this winter, it could see the return of a variation of #RunTheMonth from last October!
Back soon.
If you've never seen or competed in the Club Relays at Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham then you don't know what your missing.
The organisers One Step Beyond Promotions tag the weekend as "Organised Chaos" which describes the whole weekend of racing to a tee !
I have raced in the Club Relays for the last 4 or 5 years but it's only in the last 2 years that our club has really taken this weekend to heart, last year we took an incredible 10 teams, this year we took 13 teams to race over the 2 days with over 500 other teams. The beauty of this event is that it welcomes all abilities, from top class triathletes, to age groupers, to club triathletes to newbies, everyone races together and gives it their all, fantastic.
Each team consists of 4 triathletes who take it in turn to complete a 500m lake swim (x4) then onto a 15km (x4) closed loop bike circuit then finally a 5km (x4) run, the baton hand overs are just a crazy mass of triathletes trying to find their tag, great fun.
Some friendly club rivalry between teams as always but the team I captained had another goal, all of us over 40, so a podium position in the over 40 Championship was our goal.
In the past we have finished around 35th overall but 5th place & 7th place in the Over 40 Championship, this was the fastest Over 40 team we had ever entered so surely this year was our year.
On the Saturday the open category, mixed & ladies teams raced around the rowing lake at Holme Pierrepont, it was great to cheer club mates on during the day, knowing that tomorrow we would be competing ourselves.
As I'd mentioned in my last post, I've tried to think less about technique during the swim and just go for it, was happy with my time for 500m at 7:30 especially as I put myself first in the relay legs so had some fun in the "washing machine" start, it was a pretty frantic battle to the first and even 2nd turn buoy, elbows and hands flying every where, gave as good as I got, I loved it although I can understand why many avoid it.
Anyway the swim tags continued & I eagerly awaited our 4th swimmer to return and tag for me to go out on the bike, The fastest teams were already out on the 1st lap of the bike (3 laps) and two of our other younger teams (with some very talented swimmers) already had a 5 minute lead as I ran out of transition with my bike,
The bike exit was narrow and with two triathletes mounting there bike in front of me on the mount line I made the decision to run through them and past the mount line before jumping on to the bike at speed, it worked perfectly, and I sped away, I think it was a good half mile before I even started fastening my shoes (I always have my bike shoes clipped in on a triathlon, and ride a little way with feet on top of shoes to get up to speed before fastening them).
3 lung bursting laps later and into a flying bike dismount., speeding in balancing on one pedal, just as I was about to jump off & run, the triathletes in front of me dismounting just stopped, the only thing I could do was serve right as I dismounted, unfortunately my bike flicked up and ended up flying like a kite behind me as I ran to the racking, tagged my team mate and was then approached by the Race Referee "for a chat" as my bike had hit the dismount marshall .... whoops! No harm done though, all my fault, I should have anticipated more, apologised to the referee and all was well. (I did go and find the marshall later and apologise also, he was fine, I knew him and had been marshalling with him the day before so all was good.)
All our time had had a good bike leg, my time was a little slower than I would have liked but I certainly made up for it on the run, felt good all the way, and finished with a 18:22 (although the 1st leg run is just a fraction short of 5k) still very happy with that.
We had no idea where we were overall or in the Over 40 Championships but we had gained time on one of our club teams that beat us out of the water and we were now only 2 minutes behind (we had also heard that they had received a 2 minute penalty for not racking a bike correctly) so it was all to play for, with the 2 fastest runners going head to head, albeit 2 minutes apart. It was quite exciting.
Our runner gave it everything and smashed the run but their runner was just on another level and had a great run, we finished just 1:15 behind our younger rivals, to bring the battle over the last 2 years to a draw (we finished just 13 seconds ahead last year).
A quick visit to timing showed that we had finished 37th overall and 6th in the Over 40 Champs, maybe next year!
Well maybe not for me, I'm hanging up my Club Relay Captain armband for now and as I mentioned in the last post, I'm going to concentrate this tired old body on just endurance racing next year, so its unlikely I will be racing at the relays, but I will certainly be back one day.
A great weekend of racing with friends, great camping and & great company.
So I'm going to chill for a few weeks now, still going to get some biking & running in to keep ticking over, I've got my eyes on a 6 hour run race over the Humber Bridge called "Hell on the Humber - reloaded" might have a go at that, then its into winter training, need a very good base this winter, it could see the return of a variation of #RunTheMonth from last October!
Back soon.
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Euro Champs & IMUK
It's been a difficult year 2013 for me, my training & racing mojo has been up and down all year, I've gone from putting some seriously tough training blocks together to nothing and struggling to get back on it for days, even weeks. I guess there's a few reasons for this, none of which I really want to go into detail on this blog but extra commitments as Club Chairman in a difficult year where we tragically lost a club member & friend have certainly made me question many things.
I have however raced for Team GB again, this time was at the European Triathlon Championships, Alanya, Turkey at standard distance. Sarah (my wife) came out with me this year, so we had a few days holiday as well before the race which was excellent. I decided to stay away from the hustle & bustle of Team GB this year and book a small apartment up on the peninsula, lovely place to stay, just a bit of a hike up & down the hill every day, but the views were excellent.
I had hoped for a higher finishing position at this years Euro Champs, I never have been happy with last years 12th in the Sprint distance race, even though I have excuses galore with my broken collar bone 4 months earlier and being knocked off my bike in training just 3 weeks before the race. So this time I'd qualified at Standard (Olympic) distance, not my preferred distance at all, I can go eyes out for 60 minutes in a sprint & I have the strength in body and mind to take on Iron distance & beyond, but standard distance, its not a distance I really enjoy if I'm honest, but it does mean I only need to race for Team GB at long distance now to get the set #TeamGB at Sprint, Standard & Long, a challenge I set myself some time ago.
The race went well, a 7:45am start meant that it was not hot initially but by the time we got to the run it was already well over 30 degrees. The swim went really well, I was even leading the arrow head out to the first buoy, loved that. A great T1 and 59 minute 40km bike put me in a great position for the run, heading out of T2 I was in 8th place. However a combination of the heat & dehydration (I lost my hydration bottle on the first corner of the bike, so it was getting on for 90 minutes before I could take on any fluid) I was over heating big style, but nothing I could do, no matter how much water I took on or poured over my head & body now, the damage was done, this was going to be a painful 10km run. I came in 14th in a time of 2 hours 11 minutes, a PB so can't be too disappointed. The run should have been at least 2 or 3 minutes quicker which would have placed me top 10, still a few minutes off the leaders so it didn't effect any podium potential.
My club mate in the 60-64 age group won bronze medal, was so pleased for him, he's had a year of on/off injury so it meant a great deal, I can still see his face, total disbelief that he'd got 3rd, I had to repeat it to him several times, very proud to see him climb the podium and we all had a fantastic celebratory meal afterwards.
The only other races I've done this year are;
- Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon, which is an event our club organise and as well as British Championships this year it was also the European Championships, which I am really pleased with as a number of years ago this race was cancelled, so I took hold of it, very proud to see what it had become this year, with over 100 athletes racing, it was a great day, so when 3 disciplines just aren't enough, try quadrathlon !!
- I won my age group at Southwell Sprint Triathlon, one of my first ever triathlons back in 2007, so it was great to go back and smash a PB out, a sub 55 minute pool sprint triathlon, very happy with that. The company that run this race, One Step Beyond Promotions, organise some great triathlon events in our area, Sarah (wife), Georgie (daughter) & myself have helped quite a lot this year marshalling and setting up their races, a great group of people and friends. If your looking for a quality event then look now further than One Step Beyond Promotions!
Just got back from Bolton the other day after racing Ironman UK, a really tough course, but very enjoyable (for most of the day!). A great swim, 66 minutes, still slower than I did The Outlaw swim in back in 2010 (by 5 minutes) but at least I'm starting to feel fast again, I think I've been trying to play far too much with my technique over the last year or so, it wasn't that bad in the first place, so recently decided to stop thinking & just swim, early days but so far so good.
The bike course is up & down & up & down, only small opportunities to get down in aero and get some serious speed up, but then the cross winds made me question whether that was wise, so had to sit low on the bars on some fast sections to keep control of the front wheel.
Came into T2 with a 6 hour 2 minute bike, which was 15 to minutes slower than I thought I would do on this testing course, apparently over 5,000 feet of climbing but I was doing this race "garmin free" so can't confirm that. My garmin had died as I racked my bike the day before, shame really as I'd worked out all the bike & run pacing variances in my head over the previous weeks, I knew exactly what I had to do, and what that meant if I was slightly in front or behind at any point. Anyway absolutely no point in letting it get to me so I didn't let it phase me, I'd get times off my supporters around the course, it actually became more appealing the more I thought about it, Ironman racing on feel, free of data, free running, quite refreshing really.
Felt strong running out of T2, I had eaten & hydrated well on the bike, however as I was soon to find out, in hindsight the last 30 miles I'd let nutrition & hydration plans slip, 1 mile into the run, I started to feel empty, I found myself with absolutely no energy so started walking up the hills, every time I tried to run, 200 metres later I came over dizzy and had to walk again, I was wandering across the road, I couldn't keep a straight line, this continued all the way to the 8 mile mark, but at least now I was on the town centre loop where my family & friends were.
I got to the feed station at 8 mile, I had been determined not to use gels, I don't train with them, don't particularly enjoy them and quite often when I've raced using them I've developed painful stomach cramps. Well I decided I had nothing to loose, I'd still got 18 miles to go and it just wasn't happening for me.
So water, caffeine drink, 2 bananas, ritz crackers & a berry powerbar gel were consumed as I walked to the top of the hill. I wasn't sure how it was going to go but the course now took a steady decent for over a mile into the flat town centre section, so I picked my legs up and ran, the more I ran the better I felt, the faster I went, I felt like a different person. Sarah couldn't quite believe it was me racing past her, I'd got that Double Enduroman feeling again, awesome.
And so it continued, alternating between gels & water and banana's & caffeine drink at each feed station, steady jog up the hills, raced the downhills & flats, I was making ground and getting faster & faster.
Support team kept showing me Double Enduroman photos as I passed them, this amazingly was my 12 year old daughters idea who was glued to Ironman Live at her grandparents and knew I needed some extreme motivation, I'm very proud of my little girl, it certainly worked.
Before long I'd collected my last band and had less than 3 miles to go, a quick drink at the turn then back on it. With less than 1 mile to go I could see another athlete in my age group 20 metres ahead (we had letter codes on of legs) We where both running strong, I sat a few metres behind him, and dug deep up the small incline to the last couple of turns, I was slowly very slowly closing the gap. With the last corner to go and extended my stride and accepted the pain, I slipped past him on his blind side and set for the line .... job done, 23rd in age group, 221st overall (1600+ competitors) and an 11 hour 30 minute finish, not what I wanted or set out to achieve but if I think back to mile 2 to 8 on the run, if I'm honest, I was ready to pack in, so really pleased I managed to ride the rough period, get through it and finish strong, a real character building race.
So what's next, well National Team Relays at Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham at the end of this month, I've put another over 40 team together, we've finished 5th & 7th in the past, but this is definitely our fastest over 40 team yet, so will have to see what it brings, whatever though this is my last year, I've got other plans for next year, long & very long plans!, so sprints are out the window, I've really enjoyed mixing the distances up in the past & enjoyed the craziness of juggling Sprint to Long & beyond but its time to focus next year, its all about long.
I've entered a Triple Iron, yeh that's right TRIPLE !! so everything I do will be centred around that, I will do another Ironman next year but have learnt from last year and will give myself more than 3 weeks to recover from the crazy long one, the triple is end of May so looks like August for Ironman, I said I wouldn't but I can see myself being drawn back to Bolton for IMUK here ;)
As part of Triple Enduroman prep, the only other race on my radar at the minute will be a 24 hour run race in March, I don't think I've ever had next year's race plan sorted this early before !!
So I think I might make use of the blog again to write down my training, thoughts and feelings as I draw closer to the Triple, so until next time ..... enjoy
I have however raced for Team GB again, this time was at the European Triathlon Championships, Alanya, Turkey at standard distance. Sarah (my wife) came out with me this year, so we had a few days holiday as well before the race which was excellent. I decided to stay away from the hustle & bustle of Team GB this year and book a small apartment up on the peninsula, lovely place to stay, just a bit of a hike up & down the hill every day, but the views were excellent.
I had hoped for a higher finishing position at this years Euro Champs, I never have been happy with last years 12th in the Sprint distance race, even though I have excuses galore with my broken collar bone 4 months earlier and being knocked off my bike in training just 3 weeks before the race. So this time I'd qualified at Standard (Olympic) distance, not my preferred distance at all, I can go eyes out for 60 minutes in a sprint & I have the strength in body and mind to take on Iron distance & beyond, but standard distance, its not a distance I really enjoy if I'm honest, but it does mean I only need to race for Team GB at long distance now to get the set #TeamGB at Sprint, Standard & Long, a challenge I set myself some time ago.
The race went well, a 7:45am start meant that it was not hot initially but by the time we got to the run it was already well over 30 degrees. The swim went really well, I was even leading the arrow head out to the first buoy, loved that. A great T1 and 59 minute 40km bike put me in a great position for the run, heading out of T2 I was in 8th place. However a combination of the heat & dehydration (I lost my hydration bottle on the first corner of the bike, so it was getting on for 90 minutes before I could take on any fluid) I was over heating big style, but nothing I could do, no matter how much water I took on or poured over my head & body now, the damage was done, this was going to be a painful 10km run. I came in 14th in a time of 2 hours 11 minutes, a PB so can't be too disappointed. The run should have been at least 2 or 3 minutes quicker which would have placed me top 10, still a few minutes off the leaders so it didn't effect any podium potential.
My club mate in the 60-64 age group won bronze medal, was so pleased for him, he's had a year of on/off injury so it meant a great deal, I can still see his face, total disbelief that he'd got 3rd, I had to repeat it to him several times, very proud to see him climb the podium and we all had a fantastic celebratory meal afterwards.
The only other races I've done this year are;
- Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon, which is an event our club organise and as well as British Championships this year it was also the European Championships, which I am really pleased with as a number of years ago this race was cancelled, so I took hold of it, very proud to see what it had become this year, with over 100 athletes racing, it was a great day, so when 3 disciplines just aren't enough, try quadrathlon !!
- I won my age group at Southwell Sprint Triathlon, one of my first ever triathlons back in 2007, so it was great to go back and smash a PB out, a sub 55 minute pool sprint triathlon, very happy with that. The company that run this race, One Step Beyond Promotions, organise some great triathlon events in our area, Sarah (wife), Georgie (daughter) & myself have helped quite a lot this year marshalling and setting up their races, a great group of people and friends. If your looking for a quality event then look now further than One Step Beyond Promotions!
Just got back from Bolton the other day after racing Ironman UK, a really tough course, but very enjoyable (for most of the day!). A great swim, 66 minutes, still slower than I did The Outlaw swim in back in 2010 (by 5 minutes) but at least I'm starting to feel fast again, I think I've been trying to play far too much with my technique over the last year or so, it wasn't that bad in the first place, so recently decided to stop thinking & just swim, early days but so far so good.
The bike course is up & down & up & down, only small opportunities to get down in aero and get some serious speed up, but then the cross winds made me question whether that was wise, so had to sit low on the bars on some fast sections to keep control of the front wheel.
Came into T2 with a 6 hour 2 minute bike, which was 15 to minutes slower than I thought I would do on this testing course, apparently over 5,000 feet of climbing but I was doing this race "garmin free" so can't confirm that. My garmin had died as I racked my bike the day before, shame really as I'd worked out all the bike & run pacing variances in my head over the previous weeks, I knew exactly what I had to do, and what that meant if I was slightly in front or behind at any point. Anyway absolutely no point in letting it get to me so I didn't let it phase me, I'd get times off my supporters around the course, it actually became more appealing the more I thought about it, Ironman racing on feel, free of data, free running, quite refreshing really.
I got to the feed station at 8 mile, I had been determined not to use gels, I don't train with them, don't particularly enjoy them and quite often when I've raced using them I've developed painful stomach cramps. Well I decided I had nothing to loose, I'd still got 18 miles to go and it just wasn't happening for me.
So water, caffeine drink, 2 bananas, ritz crackers & a berry powerbar gel were consumed as I walked to the top of the hill. I wasn't sure how it was going to go but the course now took a steady decent for over a mile into the flat town centre section, so I picked my legs up and ran, the more I ran the better I felt, the faster I went, I felt like a different person. Sarah couldn't quite believe it was me racing past her, I'd got that Double Enduroman feeling again, awesome.
And so it continued, alternating between gels & water and banana's & caffeine drink at each feed station, steady jog up the hills, raced the downhills & flats, I was making ground and getting faster & faster.
Support team kept showing me Double Enduroman photos as I passed them, this amazingly was my 12 year old daughters idea who was glued to Ironman Live at her grandparents and knew I needed some extreme motivation, I'm very proud of my little girl, it certainly worked.
Before long I'd collected my last band and had less than 3 miles to go, a quick drink at the turn then back on it. With less than 1 mile to go I could see another athlete in my age group 20 metres ahead (we had letter codes on of legs) We where both running strong, I sat a few metres behind him, and dug deep up the small incline to the last couple of turns, I was slowly very slowly closing the gap. With the last corner to go and extended my stride and accepted the pain, I slipped past him on his blind side and set for the line .... job done, 23rd in age group, 221st overall (1600+ competitors) and an 11 hour 30 minute finish, not what I wanted or set out to achieve but if I think back to mile 2 to 8 on the run, if I'm honest, I was ready to pack in, so really pleased I managed to ride the rough period, get through it and finish strong, a real character building race.
So what's next, well National Team Relays at Holme Pierrepont, Nottingham at the end of this month, I've put another over 40 team together, we've finished 5th & 7th in the past, but this is definitely our fastest over 40 team yet, so will have to see what it brings, whatever though this is my last year, I've got other plans for next year, long & very long plans!, so sprints are out the window, I've really enjoyed mixing the distances up in the past & enjoyed the craziness of juggling Sprint to Long & beyond but its time to focus next year, its all about long.
I've entered a Triple Iron, yeh that's right TRIPLE !! so everything I do will be centred around that, I will do another Ironman next year but have learnt from last year and will give myself more than 3 weeks to recover from the crazy long one, the triple is end of May so looks like August for Ironman, I said I wouldn't but I can see myself being drawn back to Bolton for IMUK here ;)
As part of Triple Enduroman prep, the only other race on my radar at the minute will be a 24 hour run race in March, I don't think I've ever had next year's race plan sorted this early before !!
So I think I might make use of the blog again to write down my training, thoughts and feelings as I draw closer to the Triple, so until next time ..... enjoy
Tuesday, 5 February 2013
Tour Of Britain
It's been quite a while since I posted on here, I've just been reading through some of my posts from the last year and it reminded me of the high's & low's I've been through but ..... what a year, broken collar bone, knocked off my bike by a motorist, GB age group triathlete, GB age group captain, not just a Double Iron finishers but 8th in the European Double Iron Championships, British Quadrathlon Trophy series over 40 winner and completed RunOctober ....... oh and I was a guest rider at the Tour of Britain stage 2 in Nottingham (pretty awesome stood next to Wiggo & Cav at the start).
What have I been up to since? Well as I planned this winter, running has played a huge part of my training for the last 3 months, I've just finished the Strava Base Miles Blast for January completing over 220 miles of running in the month, I finished 250th from over 10,000 participants in the world (43rd in the UK), had to run over 40 miles in the last 2 days to top the club league.
So 2013, I've got my race diary sorted, starts with a few 10k's next month, then a half marathon, then Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon ( , a GB age group qualifier then, Challenge Roth, Ironman UK, hopefully the National Team Relays Triathlon in August then finish the year with The Beacons Ultra run.
General weekly training plan is all sorted, just needs a few tweaks for pre race & post race weeks, so I'm feeling quite happy where I'm at.
I'm planning to get out on the bike and swim this month, whilst maintaining my run form. Then into March where I have an idea for another challenge IRON MONTH should be fun, interested? read on!
How many Iron distance triathlons can you complete in March, the rules are simple;
- disciplines can be in any order
- disciplines can be over multiple sessions, so you can build up the distance in each discipline as you go.
- you can't move on to the next Iron until you've clocked a full IRON distance triathlon, that's, 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking & 26.2 miles of running ...... then repeat.
- surplus mileage doesn't count, as soon as you've clocked the distance in the last discipline the mileage counter is reset to zero.
Should be fun & anyone can give it a go .....
If you want to join me, post your updates on this blog post or follow/ tweet me on twitter @philbinch
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Tour of Britain 2012 - Stage 2 - Nottingham (I'm behind Wiggo in the white cycle helmet) |
What have I been up to since? Well as I planned this winter, running has played a huge part of my training for the last 3 months, I've just finished the Strava Base Miles Blast for January completing over 220 miles of running in the month, I finished 250th from over 10,000 participants in the world (43rd in the UK), had to run over 40 miles in the last 2 days to top the club league.
So 2013, I've got my race diary sorted, starts with a few 10k's next month, then a half marathon, then Brigg Bomber Quadrathlon ( , a GB age group qualifier then, Challenge Roth, Ironman UK, hopefully the National Team Relays Triathlon in August then finish the year with The Beacons Ultra run.
General weekly training plan is all sorted, just needs a few tweaks for pre race & post race weeks, so I'm feeling quite happy where I'm at.
I'm planning to get out on the bike and swim this month, whilst maintaining my run form. Then into March where I have an idea for another challenge IRON MONTH should be fun, interested? read on!
How many Iron distance triathlons can you complete in March, the rules are simple;
- disciplines can be in any order
- disciplines can be over multiple sessions, so you can build up the distance in each discipline as you go.
- you can't move on to the next Iron until you've clocked a full IRON distance triathlon, that's, 2.4 miles of swimming, 112 miles of biking & 26.2 miles of running ...... then repeat.
- surplus mileage doesn't count, as soon as you've clocked the distance in the last discipline the mileage counter is reset to zero.
Should be fun & anyone can give it a go .....
If you want to join me, post your updates on this blog post or follow/ tweet me on twitter @philbinch
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